The Mapa Family - 2008


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Giese Grandkids

Here are a couple of pictures of our grandkids Nolan & Avary

Nolan & Avary watching the Cowboys game
Nolan's a sports fanatic! He has every Texas team jersey. Whenever there's a game on, he shows his support by wearing the team jersey. Now that his sister Avary is big enough to fit into his old jersey's, he makes her wear them during the games!

Make sure to view the video of Nolan a few years back on the Family Video Bar
Posted by: Elizabeth Giese


Unknown said...

Where is the video? By the way, what is Avary doing squatting down by that tree? Adel

Unknown said...

OH! About the video... what was sent was a not the video file but just a jpg. of it. It has to be uploaded into Youtube or Photobucket. Sorry guys!
Hey, Why is she squatting?
♥ es

Anonymous said...

she is not squatting...she is sitting on a log....did you guys forget to put your glasses on???? Ha!!!