The Mapa Family - 2008


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Chelsea's 8th Grade Graduation

On Tuesday afternoon, Chelsea Rossol graduated from Friends Christian School in Yorba Linda, California, in a class of 112 8th graders. She began attending there in 1996 (pre-school) at barely three years old. Twelve years later, at 14, she's ready to move on to high school. We are so very proud of her. In junior high, she was placed in honors classes. She competed with other schools in the Christian Association Math Olympics twice, placing both times: 1st and 3rd. Two years in a row she won the Christian Character Trait Award for Humility and was Student of the Month five times. Last night during the graduation ceremony, she was one of the few students out of 112, who received the Principal's Award for having a 3.5 and above GPA.


Unknown said...

Yay Chelsea! Congratulations!!! We're proud of you! You're in High School now... WOW! High School is one of the most memorable times of our lives so have a blast! Hope to see you guys this summer! Hopefully we can make it down there some time this summer!

~the deCastro's

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